Science at Ilketshall
At Ilketshall St Lawrence Primary School we provide a knowledge rich curriculum alongside purposeful and engaging Science lessons. When a child leaves Ilketshall they should be a Scientist who is curious, practical and knowledgeable about Science and the world around them. Our curriculum is underpinned by four core values.
As staff, we are committed to quality Science teaching which covers the topics set out in the National Curriculum. Throughout their time at Ilketshall children will learn about these areas while also developing their knowledge of famous Scientists and STEM careers. Each year, children will build upon their previous learning and be encouraged to make connections. Rich vocabulary will be key to our teaching and children will be encouraged to use this in written and practical work. Practical scientific investigations and enquiries will be interwoven with our knowledge rich curriculum.
Children will be encouraged to explore their own questions, ideas and beliefs during Science lessons. A carefully planned curriculum will allow them to research their own questions through investigations. Safety is of the utmost importance during Science lessons and children will be aware of how to keep themselves safe and the dangers that can be involved when investigating Science. We support children to learn at a pace which is appropriate for them.
Children will recognise the importance of Science now and within their future. Children will be invested in lessons through access to resources, memorable experiences and a varied curriculum. They will understand how Science, now and in the future, will relate to the world they live in.
Every child in our school is an individual. We encourage children to share their own experiences and views. Children will come into Science lessons with their own views and ideas. We will introduce the idea that people do not always share the same views in Science. Children will leave Ilketshall with a knowledge of STEM jobs and believing that they are capable of these jobs in the future.