

Oracy at Ilketshall  


The curriculum for oracy does not stand alone, it is instead embedded into every area. We place an emphasis on oracy as a means of learning the views of others and also to clarify our own thinking. We use oracy to learn from one another and also from key role models as it is through talk that we hear and question other ideas and also develop our own understanding. 


We use a wide range of oracy techniques to encourage conversation and debate from Early Years to Year 6. We teach the skills of questioning, expression and challenge. We provide the opportunity for children to engage in debates and discussions and we encourage them to use talk to think critically about their understanding. 


We strive to make sure that every child at Ilketshall is excited about their future and passionate about what they want to achieve. In teaching oracy we empower them to succeed by giving them the skills to communicate and express themselves effectively. This is a valuable tool they will rely upon throughout their adult lives to achieve their own goals. 



Confidence and belief in your ideas sits at the heart of our oracy teaching. We encourage children to have a voice and develop their skills of expression and reasoning to ensure they can communicate their ideas clearly and effectively. We allow every child a voice and we promote respect and consideration of other ideas. We teach the skills of listening as well as expression and we nurture the self confidence to speak out in every child.