Maths at Ilketshall
When a child leaves Ilketshall St Lawrence Primary School, they should be a Mathematician who is positive about maths and who can think mathematically, enabling them to reason and solve problems in a range of contexts related to the real world.
The basic skills of mathematics are essential for everyday life and are vital for the life opportunities of our children. A high-quality maths education provides a foundation for understanding the world around us. At Ilketshall St Lawrence Primary School, we teach the National Curriculum and our maths curriculum is underpinned by the mastery approach and the belief that everyone can do maths. This mastery approach is underpinned by the 5 big ideas: coherence, representation and structure, mathematical thinking, fluency and variation and we use White Rose Maths to help deliver this. We encourage the children to use previous mathematical knowledge to demonstrate a depth of understanding across mathematics and other subjects and areas of school. Lesson design links to prior learning to ensure all can access the new learning and identifies carefully sequenced steps in progression to build a secure understanding.
Children can experience a sense of awe and wonder as they solve a problem for the first time, discover different solutions and make links between different areas of mathematics. We strive for a high-quality maths education that provides a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject. At Ilketshall St Lawrence Primary School, our children will develop mathematical learning behaviours so that they focus and engage fully as learners who reason and seek to make connections and who challenge themselves. We believe that everyone can do maths and that mistakes help us learn. Our maths curriculum provides pupils with a deep understanding of the subject through a concrete, pictorial and abstract (CPA) approach. This ensures pupils can be creative and critical thinkers, fully understanding what they are learning.
Children can recognise the importance of mathematics and mathematicians to them now and in their futures and how this relates to the world that they live in. We strive for a high-quality maths education that provides an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics. At Ilketshall St Lawrence Primary School, we want our children to be positive about, enjoy and achieve in maths. Everyone can do maths. During a typical lesson, there will be back and forth interaction, including questioning, short tasks, explanation, discussion, demonstration and use of manipulatives, enabling children to explore, engage, think, reason and apply their knowledge to mathematical tasks.
Children need to develop a positive and ‘can do’ attitude to maths and perceive themselves as mathematicians. We strive for a high-quality maths education that provides the ability to reason mathematically, be fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, reason mathematically and solve problems. At Ilketshall St Lawrence Primary School, our mathematics mastery curriculum has been developed to ensure every child can achieve excellence in mathematics. Every child in our school is an individual. We encourage children to share their own workings and answers and every child’s contribution is valued; right or wrong and mistakes are seen to help us learn. Children are taught a range of mathematical strategies that they can choose from to use and apply in their learning. Use of precise mathematical language helps children to communicate their reasoning and thinking effectively.